Training days on “sales through the theater in the service of a better valuation of crafts”


Training days on “sales through the theater in the service of a better valuation of crafts”

On the occasion of the 35th edition of the show of artisanal creation, training days “sales by the theater at the service of a better valuation of crafts” will be held from 23 to 25 April 2018 at the headquarters of the National Office of Tunisian Handicrafts (ONA) in Tunis.

This pilot training program will be held at the initiative of the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and funded by the European Union under the Competitiveness Support Services Program (PACS).

The project aims to support economic growth and job creation by improving the competitiveness of exports and increasing exports of Tunisia’s artisanal TPME products.

It is a tool in the service of the commercial and promotional strategy of the Tunisian handicraft which will favor the acquisition of key commercial competences for the development of the markets on the national and international level, as well for the mono-craftsmen, the co-operatives and the key players in the craft industry, whether for a first-time experience or for a development in exhibition, promotion or export techniques.

This training is aimed at all players in the craft sector who wish to exhibit their production in order to improve their sales, enhance their image, expand their distribution network or conquer new markets, through participation in fairs, thematic or professional exhibitions, whether on the national territory or abroad.

The first phase benefitting 26 craft professionals in 2 sessions of 3 days each), the first phase being planned from April 23 to 25 to benefit artisans before their participation in the show of artisanal creation (April 26 to 05 next May at the Kram Exhibition Center).

The direct beneficiaries are craft enterprises and artisans who will receive technical assistance to build their capacity.

The objectives of this project are: Developing theoretical, technical and behavioral business skills necessary for the optimal participation of artisans and tradespeople at fairs and exhibitions, to develop specific business skills (market research, international marketing, sales techniques, consumer behavior …) for companies, reference of the craft sector, ONA staff and other partners and develop awareness of the craft industry through a quality training curriculum.