Live the handicraft at the 34th Salon of Creative Crafts in Kram from April 28th to May 07th, 2017

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Live the handicraft at the 34th Salon of Creative Crafts in Kram from April 28th to May 07th, 2017

Lovers of Tunisian handicraft will be served; the 34th edition of the Salon of Creative Crafts, which is organized by the National Office of Crafts, will start in few days in Tunis at the exhibition center of kram.

A new edition that is a great meeting with creative crafts, handmade and natural art. The meeting of over 140,000 visitors expected with more than 1,500 exhibitors, the largest trade event in Tunisia to encourage a sector where   350,000 craftsmen are generating a foreign currency contribution of more than 470 MTD which is a real strategic sector to support and promote.

Between fascination and sublimation at the same time, this 34th edition represents the annual opportunity to highlight the richness of Tunisian heritage and rooting which represent the identity and memory of a whole people.

The National Office of Crafts claims its great tradition in organizing the Salon of Creative Crafts, which this year will be more consistent through the usual classic attractions with a thematic course leaving nothing to chance and guiding us in a coherence and continuity that immerses us in the art of traditional Tunisian crafts, ranging from training and development of skills to creation and innovation to investment and marketing.  Between the Olympiad space of embroidery, space business of the embroidery, the competitions of creation dedicated to the crafts of the ras weaving as to the articles of memory and to the students of the schools of arts and trade, the design space,  ​​the new promoters of crafts’ area, the museum space and the space Governorates with the regional market under the principle of positive discrimination highlighting 14 regions. In addition to the commercial spaces where the Salon is spread over an area of ​​25,000 m² occupying the 3 halls of the exhibition Kram center. The Salon visitors will be filled with their handmade art passion, also through the space Handicraft which aims to attract them and which is part of the spirit of digitalization and social media coverage of the sector, reconciling young people with their heritage and History.

But beyond that, the innovative approach of this edition aims to restore the bridge between higher education and profession. A symposium will be organized in partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education  to reveal the investment and project creation opportunities for students and graduates of higher education  as well as to encourage employability by highlighting best practices and success stories which  have allowed graduates to develop a high value-added product and  well positioned in the export market, such as countless brands which  have developed websites and E-commerce applications and which have been highlighted in this publication. Edition, in a dedicated area: E-commerce and Export.

Also the valorization of Sejnane pottery on the occasion of the candidacy of Tunisia to integrate the list of the intangible cultural world heritage of UNESCO, a real merit for the work and the artisanal know-how of these brave  crafts  women of Sejnane and a gap for the positioning of  Tunisia brand as well as  recognition of its craftsmanship.

Among innovations, this year and in order to open up on new markets and to gain access to the countries brothers and friends’ experiences in the field of craft industry – by virtue of the importance of the bilateral fraternal relations between the two countries- , Bahrain will be the “guest of honor” of the Salon of Creative Crafts. This invitation aims to open up on the Gulf markets and to ensure coordination to be established in these markets by strengthening trade exchange and encouraging exports of handicrafts and Tunisian know-how to these markets. At this great celebration of craftsmanship, the big Algerian neighbor will be present, through the National Agency of Traditional Crafts (ANART), in the framework of the protocol agreement in the field of craftsmanship between the two governments.

On April 28th from 2 pm, the 34th Edition of the Salon of Creative Crafts in Kram will open its doors for public, an appointment not to miss under any circumstances. An opportunity to discover the richness of the Tunisian handicraft product, to do good business and to claim one’s anchorage and national heritage: Live the Handicraft, buy Tunisian, and wake up in you the passion of the Tunisian handmade products!