Launch of Training Days “Sales Training by the Theater”


Launch of Training Days “Sales Training by the Theater”

The National Office of Crafts (ONA) is organizing, from 23 to 25 April, in Denden, the first session of “theater sales training” for strengthening the skills of craftsmen and small and medium entrepreneurs in the sector crafts, in the marketing of products for export.

The objective is to provide some 26 beneficiaries with accelerated training aimed at introducing good business practices, which could raise the level of trade competitiveness of craft SMEs, particularly in major national sales and exhibition events. International.

This work of training, learning of marketing techniques and accompaniment of craftsmen is based on all the complementary expertise of two international reference mechanisms in support of international markets specific to SMEs and small and medium-sized enterprises.

The beneficiaries of this accelerated training session would be well-equipped in terms of communication and technology, to promote their products and be more competitive during their participation in the Handicraft Exhibition, which will start the day after the end of the training. from April 26 to May 5, 2018, at the Kram Exhibition Center.