35th edition of the handicrafts creation fair : Signature of three memoranda of understanding worth $ 1.5 million for the promotion of Tunisian handicrafts on the American market


35th edition of the handicrafts creation fair : Signature of three memoranda of understanding worth $ 1.5 million for the promotion of Tunisian handicrafts on the American market

As part of the development of marketing capabilities of craft enterprises three Memorandums of Understanding worth $ 1.5 million (3.63 million Tunisian dinars), aimed at promoting Tunisian-American cooperation in the field of handicrafts, were signed, Friday, April 27 , between the National Office of Crafts (ONA) and the US State Department, represented by the Human Development Institute “IDH” and the International Family Health (FHI 360), as well as the US Chamber in Tunisia (AmCham).

Signed on the occasion of the 35th edition of the handicrafts creation fair (May 26 to 5, 2018), these memorandums of understanding are part of the United States’ cooperation strategy with Tunisia, during next five years.

The first memorandum, signed between the director general of ONA, Faouzi Ben Halima, and the president of the association IDH, aims at financing the project “Strengthening export capacities (Cap-X), giving the artisanal product Tunisian the American touch. Nearly $ 450,000 (1.089 million dinars) was allocated to this project, which aims to help improve sales and investment capacity in the US market, as well as productivity at the manufacturing sector level. crafts “.

“This project, which will last 18 months, is intended for 50 artisans and craft companies spread throughout the Tunisian territory and whose specialties include pottery, ceramics, plant fibers, blown glass, mosaic, fabrics (fouta, scarves, hayek). The main actions of this project, launched in October 2017, focus on product development through training for quality improvement, design and design, promotion of marketing and export skills.

The 2nd Memorandum of Understanding, relating to the financing of the project “Collaborative Action for Artisanal Exports (ACEA)” worth nearly 817,000 dollars (1,977 million dinars), aims to promote a better competitiveness of the value chain essential oils and other natural extracts of artisanal character in northwestern Tunisia (Jendouba, Le Kef, Siliana and Beja).

“It is about improving the quality of the product by the valorisation of the results of the research (physicochemical analysis, functionalities, posology …) and the labeling, to develop packaging by launching a national competition of the packing as well as to increase exports of essential oils and other derivatives (technical control, marketing and identification of new markets) “.

This project (October 2017-March 2018), is intended for 90 beneficiaries, especially the craftswomen specializing in the field of artisanal extraction of essential oils and other natural extracts.

The third agreement, valued at nearly $ 70,000 (169,400 dinars) between ONA and AmCham concerns the realization of the project “Export Lab” which aims to provide incubation, knowledge and intelligence services. market for craft companies, through the development of an export platform where Tunisian SMEs can display their products and an export guide.

This agreement aims to assist 15 craft companies (in all specialties), located in Sfax, Tunis and Ksar Helal to develop export plans, obtain certifications, find partners and sign agreements with US organizations to support ability to export and hold trade shows with B to B meetings with potential buyers or importers.